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Bred to Suffer: Glenn Greenwald on the ‘Morally Unconscionable’ U.S. Industry of Dog Experimentation

In 2016 alone, the total reported number of animals used for experimentation was more than 820,000.

DEMOCRACY NOW: ‘Animal experimentation is on the rise in the United States. The Department of Agriculture reports that nearly 61,000 dogs were used in the U.S. for experimentation in 2016 alone, and the total reported number of animals used for experimentation was more than 820,000. A major new investigation by The Intercept examines the poorly regulated and highly profitable industry of breeding dogs for the sole purpose of experimenting on them in the U.S.

The investigation reveals the horrors of the dog experimentation industry at one of the three largest firms in the U.S. that sells beagles to research labs: Ridglan Farms. We speak with The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald in Rio de Janeiro to discuss his in-depth investigation, headlined “Bred to Suffer: Inside the Barbaric U.S. Industry of Dog Experimentation”.’ SOURCE…


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